Saturday, June 01, 2013

Slip the Trolley

And so ends May of the Year 2013. In France, same-sex marriage became the law of the land on the 18th, despite protests. More than half in France, according to most polls, favor the change, a logical broadening of human and civil rights laws. 

One opponent to gay rights and immigrants, Dominique Venner, shot himself to death in La cathédrale Notre-Dame de Paris on the 21st. I guess he didn't believe in the "Live and Let Live" creed. In fact, he chose the more unusual "Die and Let Live" option, though he seems to have thought his rude act of self-destruction might inspire other homophobic right wing loonies. He done slipped the trolley, as it were. If others of like mind were to choose to commit suicide en masse with their own firearms, who would stop them, or want to?

On another side of the nutter board, last month saw two separate nightmarish attacks by Islamic weirdos -- the hacking one in London on British soldier Leo Rigby and the stabbing one on French soldier Cédric Cordier. Rigby was killed; Cordier survived. Then some National Front types in England and Front national types in France reacted by attacking Muslims and anyone else that "seemed foreign." Good times. 

After all the dust settles, same-sex marriage is here to stay, and so are other forms of diversity. 

Please stop the nasty violence, folks. It causes pain and suffering and solves nothing. 

May June be more peaceful -- at least somewhere.

Today's Rune: Gateway.      

1 comment:

Charles Gramlich said...

Gradually a little light flows into the world.