Tuesday, July 23, 2013


Dexter ("A Showtime Original Series") will conclude this year at the end of its eighth season.

Questions for today's post:

If you've seen all or some of the series' episodes, what's your overall response?

If you haven't seen the show, what do you know about it through cultural osmosis -- and what's your response?

Today's Rune: Signals.


Tom Sarmo said...

Never watched the show, but saw a billboard once with his face all blood-spattered. Not a new thought, but it's a curious culture that would embrace this sort of thing yet censor public images of the nude.

Charles Gramlich said...

About all I know is that it's about a serial killer who targets serial killers. Never seen an episode.

jodi said...

Erik-Another one I haven't seen. A good friend however, named his son Dexter in honor? of him!