Sunday, October 13, 2013

"JFK in Fort Worth: A Lasting Impression"

A larger exhibit than covered in the last post is "JFK in Fort Worth: A Lasting Impression" at the Fort Worth Library downtown. First of all, the library itself is impressive, its architectural spaces, staff and services. As for the JFK exhibit, also well worth a good look. Lots of photos and artifacts from 1963 and beyond, including many JFK-related things I'd never seen before, anywhere.  
"JFK in Fort Worth: A Lasting Impression" includes plenty of Oswald items, and various other local details of interest. 
There's more on Hotel Texas, too. Details like this: people kept calling the hotel during the Kennedys' stay, apparently hoping that John or Jackie would pick up and say hi. 
Artifacts included in the "JFK in Fort Worth: A Lasting Impression" exhibit include this stuff from Hotel Texas (now Hilton Fort Worth). Mad Men mania!

Bob Schieffer will speak in November. Fifty years ago covering the Fort Worth visit and subsequent events in Dallas, he found himself giving Margeurite Oswald a ride from the first city to the second. Odd anti-scoops like that abounded.

Today's Rune: Signals. 

1 comment:

Charles Gramlich said...

I saw previews for some new JFK documentary. Didn't really look like there was much new, though.