Saturday, January 10, 2009

Tunnels and People

Tunnels for hiding, tunnels for smuggling. Tunnels for sneaking, tunnels for trading. Tunnels to get under things, tunnels to keep things running. Tunnels to hide from ice and snow, tunnels to move people from point A to point B. Tunnels that move water, tunnels that go under water. Tunnels that go through mountains, tunnels that collapse mountains. Tunnels for escaping, tunnels for blowing things up.

In my lifetime to date, I've seen tunnels constructed by French people, Germans, Americans, Romans, British. I know about tunnels built by Palestinians, Vietnamese, Japanese. I've seen the surface reminders of coal mines, kinds worked in by members of my own family. I know of the salt mines below Detroit. I've seen catacombs in France and Italy. I've seen underground tunnels and fallout shelters under Duke University, and connecting tunnels under Macomb Community College in Warren, Michigan. Somewhere there's Super 8mm footage of me and some friends under Duke, a sort of short science fiction film shot more than thirty years ago. I've seen underground caches of food, water and Geiger counters, enough for a long siege if not a nuclear holocaust. Tunnels never cease to amaze me.

Tunnels are examples of human ingenuity equalled or surpassed only by human stupidity, insanity, and misery in their use and/or in their destruction. Little wonder that human ingenuity is sometimes called infernal; certainly its uglier ramifications often come out that way, whether they were intended to or not.

Today's Rune: The Mystery Rune.


Anonymous said...

Ever had an ant farm?--E.O. Wilson

the walking man said...

There is a metaphor here, the one most readily that comes to mind is what tunnels mean to the builder in the psychological sense. Is he tunneling to or away from something?

All thinking is digging eh?

Distributorcap said...

i am actually always amazed when i drive through the Lincoln or Holland Tunnels that water doesnt follow me

Charles Gramlich said...

There is something interesting about tunnels. One might almost suspect some leftover from an evolutionary standpoint.

Ali Dahmash said...

Nice interpretation for the subject, I like it though I sometimes wondered what if water comes falling while driving thru a tunnel? For me tunnels are an escape of a certain situation, and I'm always glad to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Nowadays Americans and Palestinians live in a dark tunnel (wither Economical breakdown or war) but I'm optimistic that both people will see the light, and I sure don't mind if it was coming from Obama!

Anonymous said...

Don't touch that switch Jim...