Friday, January 09, 2009

Another Dirty War

Operation Cast Lead in Gaza has resulted in thousands of casualties, mostly civilians. The Israeli government has so far blocked all firsthand neutral reporting in Gaza, which reminds me of Anna Politkovskaya (1958-2006), the determined and enterprising Russian journalist who covered the brutal fighting in Chechnya before being murdered gangster-style in her own Moscow apartment building. Anna Politkovskaya, A Dirty War: A Russian Reporter in Chechnya (2003, 2004).

I wanted to write about something more fun, but this latest Gaza nightmare makes me sick. Immediate ceasefire needed. Also, a critical review of American-Israeli relations is needed. Wagging the dog is not cool in my book.

Today's Rune: Movement.


the walking man said...

I wonder who told the U.S. UN ambassador to abstain from the latest security council vote on a cease fire.

The ten day count down is on...

Charles Gramlich said...

War is always a dirty business. I don't know why humans can't learn that.

JR's Thumbprints said...

It's never ending. Agreements made. Agreements broken. Rocket missles fired. Innocent civilians killed. Something's got to be done to keep the peace.

Distributorcap said...

i sit and laugh (in a different way) when i think about COndi and Bush saying there would be a peace treaty in the middle east before bush left office.

if we dont have a complete review of how we handled this -- it WILL go on forever. obviously what we are doing doesnt work

the tragedy goes on