Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Life On Mars?

It's so cold today, the Detroit area day schools are shut again. Last weekend while driving, it looked to me like some other planet the way the winds whipped and tiny yellowish snow seemed suspended mid-air like ice daggers. All very strange. The roads are white from salt, and the light at times is blinding. Good now to have a warm shelter and a window on Earth with nowhere to have to go until tomorrow.


ZZZZZZZ said...

I'll tell you what planet it is... Krypton.... the ice planet! haha hey how come all the schools close but MCC?

Charles Gramlich said...

This is nicely written. Great description. I almost hate to tell you that it's 70 and sunny here in New Orleans today.

Laura said...

Maybe we are heading for another ice age. . . it sure feels like it outside. Winter sucks!!!

Erik Donald France said...

Bring on the space age heaters!
Charles, no hard feelings. . . . .