Sunday, February 18, 2007


XLIV (44)

Your name or your person,
Which is dearer?
Your person or your goods,
Which is worth more?
Gain or loss,
Which is a greater bane?
That is why excessive meanness
Is sure to lead to great expense;
Too much store
Is sure to end in immense loss.
Know contentment
And you will suffer no disgrace;
Know when to stop
And you will meet with no danger.
You can then endure.

Lao Tzu, Tao Te Ching, D.C. Lau translation. 1963.

Happy Vietnamese and Chinese New Year!

Today's Rune: Fertility.

Today birthdays: Yoko Ono (b.1933) and Toni Morrison (b.1931)

Chuc Mung Nam Moi!


Danny Tagalog said...

Wise wise words there Erik. Do you touch upon this in your teaching?

Yoko Ono is 74!!!!!

Erik Donald France said...

Hey Danny, thanks for the comment, man. Yes, I do bring in the Tao te ching and taoism; next year I'm also slated to create an Asian Studies course. Perhaps you can be a remote guest lecturer at some point?

Danny Tagalog said...

I'd love to help in any way - but I'm sure you are more than equipped. Sounds extremely interesting though!