Is it better to drink tap water or bottled water? Soda or coffee? Juice or booze? Spring water or municipal water or well water? Partly depends on where you live. Most tap water is fine, and tested more often than bottled water. A lot of bottled water is actually derived from municipal tap water.
For a nifty exploration of some of these aspects of water and more, particularly in the USA, there's Elizabeth Royte's Bottlemania: How Water Went on Sale and Why We Bought It (Bloomsbury USA, 2008). And there's more on bottled water standards (or lack thereof) here: http://www.ewg.org/health/report/bottledwater-scorecard
Today's Rune: Defense. Incidentally, the globe may be sustaining seven billion people by 2011: adding another billion people every twelve years barring other variables.
I always drink the spring water here and really only buy bottled water when I'm on the road.
"Is it better to drink tap water or bottled water? Soda or coffee? Juice or booze? Spring water or municipal water or well water? Partly depends on where you live. Most tap water is fine, and tested more often than bottled water. A lot of bottled water is actually derived from municipal tap water."
These are rhetorical questions right? Because even though I don't use alcohol, I'd rather drink good Bourbon than anything and Detroit tap water is consistently some of the best in the nation even though I don't drink it myself except as coffee.
Erik, when living up north, my well water was delicious and COLD. When I moved here, I could taste the chlorine in our tap water. Now Absopure delivers and I use an oasis. I drink 64 ounces a day, so I have to love it.
My wife buys bottled New Jersey tap water from Sam's; says so right on the label. The only time it's bad for you is if you keep refilling the bottle day after day after day -- you're better off drinking from a mud puddle.
Eep, I routinely re use my bottles without washing them. >_<
Doesn't tap have flouride in it? It's good for your teeth! ^_^
with one of the only cities to have copper aqueducts instead of aluminum, NYC tap water is among the best in the world
so i only drink tap water
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