Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Cameras Without Action

I remember Civil Defense signs and stockpiles in lots of places; there was, specifically, a cache beneath Duke University's Perkins Library, where some pals and I filmed, using the tunnels for a short science fiction piece that remains raw and unedited decades later.

Today, we're more likely to be responding to broken infrastructure and big accidents than a massive thermonuclear exchange -- which is plenty bad enough anyway, thank you very much.

Energy conservation, more efficient use of what we've already got -- it can be done. It has been done. It will be done again -- when there's the will for it.  This is a US Government Printing Office poster from WWII: "Have You REALLY Tried to Save Gas by Getting Into a Car Club?"  We did  -- in the 1970s. 

What more to say than "Victory Waits on YOUR
Fingers --"   Whatever that means . . .  Type away-- "Keep 'em Flying, Miss U.S.A."   From Michigan lately, I hear.

Finally, Graham Parker and the Rumour from 1980: "Stupefaction" (The Up Elevator), Surely many are feeling the same way right about now.  Turn up the volume -- nothing seems to matter! 

Today's Rune: The Self.


Charles Gramlich said...

I'd like to hear more about that SF production. a few buds and me did an audio horror story for a folklore class in high school. As I remember, it was fairly cool.

the walking man said...

Life is becoming an unedited horror show.