Thursday, May 20, 2010

Un Long Dimanche De Fiançailles

Jean-Pierre Jeunet's Un Long Dimanche De Fiançailles / A Very Long Engagement (2004), a sweeping tale, follows Mathilde Donnay (Audrey Tautou) in her quest to find out the real fates of her fiancé and four of his comrades sentenced to death for cowardice and thrown into No Man's Land between French and German trench lines in 1917. This lavish production includes everything but the kitchen sink, including the Spanish Influenza, polio, trench warfare, an exploding dirigible, a strafing Albatros D.III biplane, many colorful characters and several beautiful scenes set in Brittany.  It attempts the sweep and depth of a novel, and succeeds visually and morally to approximate one (which is a good thing, because it's based on an actual novel of the same name by Sébastien Japrisot).

Even without the intense story arc, one cannot help but be pleased whenever Audrey Tautou or Marion Cotillard appear on screen. Here, the latter, seeking revenge, is seen in the guise of a nun.  She has other guises. Also, Jodie Foster plays Élodie Gordes, another interesting twist. 

Today's Rune: Partnership.


jodi said...

Erik, with a cast of Audrey and Jodie, it has to be good! Lovin' this glorious weather...

Charles Gramlich said...

I like the kitchen sink approach. Sounds like something I might like.

Johnny Rojo said...

Thanks for the recommendation-- just added it to the top of my Netflix queue.

Lana Gramlich said...

Wasn't Audrey Tautou in Amelie, as well? Very talented actress.