Sunday, June 06, 2010

Samsø, Denmark: Truly Beyond Petroleum

A model for the world: Samsø, Denmark, population 4,300. Energy self-sufficient thanks to a cooperative alternative energy system developed since 1997. Something to be proud of, take hope in, be a part of, spread around the world. Community initiatives, leadership, follow-through. Let's get going! The Danes have been at the task since the 1970s. The USA dropped the ball when Ronald Reagan ousted Jimmy Carter in the 1980 election. But: thirty years late is better than never . . .

My Dad and I caught an update on Samsø thanks to an episode (5) of PBS' Need to Know aired on Friday, June 4, 2010 (with John Larson).  Seeing that and a re-broadcast of an interview with Neil Young by Charlie Rose were both synergistically inspiring.

Photos courtesy of the Samsø Energy Academy:

To mix metaphors wildly in the wind mill: crying over spilt oil won't amount to a hill of beans if we don't take off in another direction -- and "right quick."

Today's Rune: Movement.


Charles Gramlich said...

Yeah, we got in bed with oil during the Reagan years and we've been there ever since

Anonymous said...


Johnny Rojo said...

Norway is using a lot of the wealth generated by the North Sea oil to work toward a sustainable energy future. I'm hoping that the disaster in the Gulf will push Americans the same way.