Thursday, December 23, 2010

Carlsberg for Christmas

Christmas is coming and I've got a six-pack of Carlsberg to prove it. Haven't had this treat in years, and last year's search came up empty. But Carlsberg is back!  Is it better than Abita Springs or Yuengling or Bell's? No. But -- I just had a hankering for the heck of it. Reminds me of Cophehagen, Denmark, where it still flows like Stroh's once flowed in Detroit. And I like the design that dates back more than a century. 

Cheers, all!  Any special little treats coming your way?     

Today's Rune: Wholeness.


Adorably Dead said...

I've never heard of Carlsburg before, but then again I prefer vodka and wine coolers. I have yet to find a beer I like besides Rolling Rock.

No special treats over this a way that I can think of. :p

the walking man said...

Dec 26 is always a special treat because we get to start being sold the necessary ingredients to make Memorial Day happy.

Erik Donald France said...

AD, Yuengling is a good alt. for Rolling Rock, esp. now that RR is brewed in NJ instead with the "mountain spring waters" of Latrobe, PA! However, vodka is perfectly fine. WM, dark chuckles . . .