Thursday, December 02, 2010

Don't Ask, Do Tell

Every action evokes reaction, every progressive step is delayed or thwarted by reactionaries. During the American Civil War, the Copperheads attempted to block Abraham Lincoln's leadership; conservative groups have opposed expanding voting rights since voting rights began. Nothing is really new as far as the kinetics of politics go: all one need do is look at the historical record. "Emancipated adult male slaves must not be allowed the right to vote!" "Women must not be allowed the right to vote!" "People 18-21 must not be allowed to vote!" "We must not make it too easy for people to register to vote!" 

Most pertinently for today: "The US Army must not be integrated! It will be disruptive, bad for morale!"

When President Harry S Truman signed Executive Order 9981 in 1948, he initiated integration of the US Armed Forces against the apoplectic objections of major political leaders and military commanders, not just the Ku Klux Klan (take a look at the newspaper headlines above, if you will, and you will see how just how ugly many Americans can be, how shortsighted and, frankly, stupid, yet also, how farsighted leadership can be, too).

In any case, the point being this: the time has come -- and is long past due, but better late than never -- to shift official policy from "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" to Don't Ask, Do Tell. Tell the USA, Mr. President, with or without the blessings of the US Congress, that the US will no longer tolerate nor condone discrimination based on sexual orientation. A simple, logical and powerful reaffirmation of both Executive Order 9981 and the Civil Rights Acts of 1964-1965.

Today's Rune: Journey.  Photos courtesy of US Library of Congress and US Army.   


Charles Gramlich said...

And the worst thing is that even once the rights are given, they can still be taiken back at some point in the future.

Erik Donald France said...

Thanks y'all for the comments. Charles, agreed. AD, I wouldn't think so (making it worse), at least after the initial change in policy. But just saw some of the fogeys blanching today, egged on by Senator "Panama Jack" McCain (no shock there). Keeping on pushing, indeed. Cheers~

the walking man said...

Want to have some fun? Start writing to command staff with names of soldiers within entire combat units as being homosexual. Whether true or not.

According to DADT the persons named have to be removed from their unit and investigated. So if you report every one of the 130,000 troops in Afghanistan by law they have to be taken out of theater. Until the command staff has had time to investigate the veracity of the allegations.

Erik Donald France said...

Hey Mark, now there's an idea!

During the draft years, was the military so picky? Klinger was always trying to get away from Korea by dressing in drag (MASH), but it never worked.