Wednesday, December 15, 2010

I Saw That Little Judge Commence To Look About

While waiting through the tedious selection process for the Last Jury of the Year this past Monday, it was hard not to notice the block of judges' portraits hanging high above one wood-paneled wall of the district courtroom. Sixteen judges from frontier days to the present.  The first thing just about anyone would notice: all white, all men, all the time. Next, continuities and changes in fashion, almost like tree rings in chronological time: five beards, two moustaches, nine clean shaven men with varying degrees of sideburn and hair length. Numbers one through ten: bow ties or no ties; from eleven on they begin to sport "modern" ties.

Is our judge and jury system worth it? Does it work? Is their justice in the Land of the Free, Home of the Brave?  Sometimes maybe, sometimes no.  Better than being pillaged and plundered by a conquering tribe? Probably. But by how much? 

Out in the lobby on Monday morning, I was seated next to a very talkative journeyman carpenter. In addition to some new stories, I picked up a new malapropism: "Escapegoat."

Today's Rune: Harvest.

1 comment:

JR's Thumbprints said...

I'm sure there's got to be some type of secret code to enter the inner-circle of judgship. All aboard! Now why am I thinking of George Thorogood?