Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Petróleo ¡La sangre del mundo!

Since Fernando de Fuentes and Arturo S. Mom's Petróleo ¡La sangre del mundo! (1936), what has the world learned about petroleum, oil, gasoline, petrol?  Since 2008, when pump prices spiked over $4.00 per gallon in the USA, what has changed? Since the BP (the company formerly known as the Anglo-Persian Oil Company, and also Britsh Petroleum/AMOCO) Deepwater Horizon disaster in the Gulf of Mexico this year, what has changed?  Finally, when do you think pump prices will break $4.00 a gallon again?

Today's Rune: Wholeness.     


Adorably Dead said...

The way they're going it'l be soon. Here in Baltimore prices are already a couple of pennies from $3/gallon. It's ridiculous.

Erik Donald France said...

Creepin' on up -- for sure. Still seeing a lot of Hummers and big gassy trucks hoggin' the road, too.