Thursday, March 03, 2011

You May Want to Erase Old Messages

Retracing steps from there to here by sampling books I read and things I wrote or have written, from then to now, has been enlightening. Looks like I had the core foundation in place since my teens but have added layers of nuance to the worldview based on life experience. Oh, yeah: and I became a Catholic. How about you?

For the many depressed people I know, here's a little more Walker Percy:

You are depressed because you have every reason to be depressed. No member of the other . . . species which inhabit the earth -- and who are luckily exempt from depression -- would fail to be depressed if it lived the life you lead. You live in a deranged age -- more deranged than usual, because despite great scientific and technological advances, man has not the faintest idea of who he is or what he is doing. (Lost in the Cosmos, 1983, p. 76).

Out to lunch? How about this little observation: Westerners, that is, Europeans and Americans, own more pets than ever and spend more money on pet food and veterinarians than the food costs of the entire Third World. (Ibid, p. 80).

Today's Rune: Initiation.

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