Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Jean-Luc Godard: Une femme mariée / A Married Woman

Jean-Luc Godard's Une femme mariée: Suite de fragments d'un film tourné en 1964 / A Married Woman (1964) involves Charlotte Giraud, her fancy man Robert, husband Pierre, and Nicolas, Pierre's young son from a previous marriage -- plus add ons. It's another Godardian treat filled with details about life in Paris; the lifestyle of its time (and our time nearly fifty years later, to a large extent); the enigmas of gender and social relationships; the pervasive influence of advertising; and life in general. Fantastique!

Above: Charlotte Giraud (Macha Méril). A few snippets of dialogue/sub-titles/text --with ellipses and other scenes in between:
Why do you talk all the time?
What's that scar?
Listen, I have a husband at home, I didn't come here to be ordered around.
Freedom, Pleasure, Look away. 
Always dream and reality.

Were you ever married?
Not very often.
TAXI LIBRE / then not.
The present keeps me from madness.

But those who embrace paradox are more amusing and engaging. Paradox offers an alternative to the self-evident. . . Compromise is splendid -- maybe the most courageous of intellectual acts .  .  . synthesis. . . 10th step -- you make it work.
Are you out of your mind?
The water was cold.

Today's Rune: Warrior.


Charles Gramlich said...

This one doesn't seem to do a lot for me.

pattinase (abbott) said...

You are making me sorry I let go of Netflix.