Thursday, May 13, 2010

Vozvrashchenie: The Return

After a long hiatus, Father returns. Mother lets him take their two sons on a trip. Things happen. Could it be any more basic? Love it: the stark arc of the story, the imagery, the music. Four stars seems about right for Vozvrashcheniye / The Return / Возвращение (2003/2004): "A Film by Andrey Zvyagintsev" made for the equivalent of under a million US bucks. Official site is here:

Unlike the trailer, in easy-to-follow Russian with subtitles.  Father reminds me of Billy Bob Thornton without the wisecracks. Overall, sort of like Affliction in miniature or Deliverance without the intelopers. Trust me . . .


Charles Gramlich said...

Sounds interesting. I watched "The Fourth Kind" tonight, a very different sort of movie. ;)

Erik Donald France said...

That one looks like the demonic possession one of late, too. Alaska, eh?