Sunday, December 12, 2010

It's 1969, Okay?

Mendota Heights, St. Paul, Minnesota, which just got nearly two feet of snow dropped on it. We had some serious snow then, too, and it was so cold, my Dad laid in special engine warmers to keep the cars in the garage from freezing up.

Summers were balmier, enough for outdoor sports. However, I broke my left wrist not in sports but climbing around on large stacks of new sewer pipes about to be laid underground. Between stacks, there was a flimsy piece of plywood, and I attempted to cross it in the gloaming. This was a real pain because I had a complex enough fracture to require what seemed like way too long to heal; being left handed, I had to use my right hand for writing. 

Here, I've got on my Tigers Athletic Assn. t-shirt, a football helmet with stars and chevrons, and behind me on the dresser, there's a gas or kerosene hurricane lamp, a NASA rocket model and a World War I triplane.

Today's Rune: Breakthrough.   


Lana Gramlich said...

Sorry about your break. That must have been rough.
I'm a lefty too, but in 3rd grade I'd decided that I wanted to be ambidextrous and I started working on it. When I proudly showed my mom she told me to stop it immediately, that I should be proud to be a lefty--they used to do bad things to lefties, after all.
I could've used that skill at least a couple of times since then.

pattinase (abbott) said...

You look like one serious little dude.

jodi said...

Erik, could you be any cuter? The helmet WITH the cast does tell the tale! We had all kinds of strategys to keep warm growing up in big snow country too.. AND it's comin' down now!

Adorably Dead said...

So adorable..sans cast, lol.

Erik Donald France said...

Sweet -- thanks, y'all~
Lana, I hear ya. My maternal grandmother was forced to learn right-handed a la your mom's comments. Here's to staying warm when it's cold and serious, but not *too* self-serious!

Erik Donald France said...

Next stop not Vietnam, but Jury Duty . . .

the walking man said...

Hell of a way to spend the the summer of love. Is that the only broken bone you ever had? Lucky fella?

Charles Gramlich said...

Pretty typical kid, it would appear. I wish I'd had that model plane.