Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Obamarama, Round 1: 2009-2010

Obamarama, Round 1. A surge of activity before the Tea Baggers come to Washington in January 2011. In fewer than two years, a lot has happened. What do you think, and what's your feeling about the next two years?  Any serious GOP presidential candidate for 2012?

Today's Rune: The Mystery Rune.


Charles Gramlich said...

Well, I think he's done about the best he could given the situation. I'm generally pretty pleased overall with his performance. I'm really irritated at the Republicans and the Palinpublicans.

Erik Donald France said...

I'm with you, Charles. Right on~

the walking man said...

I think he appeared to stay on the sidelines for too long during HCR instead of wading in at the start. He let the Mcconell's and Boehners lead the charge against it and left Reid twisting. He did not keep the blue dogs in line and it wasn't until the campaign that he actually showed up for the gun fight. He extended the national debt by another trillion dollars and most importantly of all he is not prepared for them who will start to slowly lose all of their social safety net after exhausting their 99 weeks of unemployment insurance (the extension was to insure there were 99 weeks for them not already maxed out) so we will soon start to see 600-800,000 people a week with absolutely no income.

He diddled around too long as leader of the party and the nation (Take the Elizabeth Warren appointment as a minor example) He did keep the same people who left the charge into the hole in place in some vain hope that they got us in they can get us out.

All in all I would say he is too slow, too deliberate and in the main to much of a not fighter for the people who believed he is someone different but is honestly looking like Bush light . Close Gitmo and end the wars then I will vote for him because then he will have accomplished something.

It is a foregone conclusion that there will be no jobs created for them who need them so I think they could run Palin and he'd get beat.

In the interim though he could tax the shit out of the financial sector and all major companies sitting on the stolen wealth of the middle.

Erik Donald France said...

WM, thanks for the comment. Good points. I still think it's too early to tell. But Palin can't win, that I'll wager on. Two years is a long/short time in politics.
I'd also like to see Gitmo closed, Cuba travel restrictions lifted, economy stirring with jobs, wars wound down as far as boots on the ground. Taxes etc. will be dealt with post-2012, maybe . . .