Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Salutation of the Dawn

More illusory photographs of Buddhist monks creating a sand mandala in Saxapahaw's SaxArt Gallery (1616 Jordan Street) on Saturday, June 15, 2013. It was completed and then deconstructed on Sunday, and given to the Haw River.
In the Earth realm of local time, Saxapahaw is located inside the borders of the State of North Carolina within some vaster land called the United States of America. 

As of this moment reading these symbolic words, what state do you find yourself in?
"Look well, therefore, to this day, such is the salutation of the dawn" --

Kālidāsa, as rendered by Florence Scovel Shinn.

A big salute to James Gandolfini, RIP (1961-2013), a great actor within this shimmering Veil of Time, given back to the Universe.

Today's Rune: Growth.  



the walking man said...

About 25 years ago some monks came and did a sand mandala in Rivera Court at the DIA. It was pretty fascinating how they just about seemed to drop each grain of sand one by one.

Erik to answer your question as how I feel in this sublime moment...

Charles Gramlich said...

So amazing. The concentration and planning that must go into it.